Pedernales Falls State Park
description: The Ped is a treasure tucked deep into the hill country between johnson city, and dripping springs. the development here has really only begun, but allready there are well over one hundred problems spread throughout the park. inside the park there are several areas to boulder, many require long hikes, and intense bush waking, one requires, depending on water depth, a scarey long jump across a water carved channel in a limestone creekbed. but the problems are well worth the pain.
directions: from austin travel west on 290 toward Johnson City (you must go and see the snake pit). just after Dripping Springs watch for the sign for Pedernales falls state park. turn right on whatever the name of that road is. keep following signs to the park. Once in the park you can park at the falls, or you can do the hike up wolf mountain trail.
If you park at the falls there is bouldering across the river in the white-yellow cave. be carefull of the wasps as they can be quite bad in the warmer months.
The park boulders are located up the wolf mountain trail. after the gaurd station drive into the park and take your first right. park at the dead end, and walk up the trail. at a reasonable hiking pace this hike will take about 20 minutes. keep looking off to the left side of the trail for a spidery looking juniper stump and a pile of rocks. take a left there and you will walk past another stump. on the back of this stump is a carved diamond. this is the trail marker. while the trail is very hard to follow, there are karns around so keep a sharp eye out. cross the creek and go up the hill, and the park boulders should be up to your right. further right will be the dugout cave.
be very careful not to go to the twin falls. it is illegal, and anyone caught there will be handed a fine. there is no climbing there.